In July and August 2010 the Horseboating Society are travelling the length of the Rochdale Canal.
Boathorse Bilbo towed the historic narrowboat Elland.

Elland moored at Ben Brierley Wharf, Failsworth. Photo: Keith Hallam

Illuminated boats, Rochdale Canal Festival, Failsworth. Photo: Keith Hallam

Evening entertainment, Rochdale Canal Festival, Failsworth. Photo: Keith Hallam

Bilbo on the newly-resurfaced towpath towing Elland away from Durn Lock, Littleborough. Photo: © BAC Photography

Approaching Bent House Lock, with the Calder Navigation Society’s boat Savile following Elland. Photo: © BAC Photography

Sue Day driving Bilbo. Photo: © BAC Photography

Travelling up the Littleborough flight. Photo: Peter Whitehead

Travelling up the Littleborough flight. Photo: Peter Whitehead

The steerer waits for the lock to fill. Photo: © BAC Photography

Leaving Bent House Lock, with the new “motorway” style towpath very much changes the feel of the waterway. Photo: © BAC Photography

Bilbo has just passed through Bent House Bridge. The tow rope in about to add to the erosion of the corner stones. Photo: © BAC Photography

Approaching Sladen, with Pike House Lock in the background. Photo: © BAC Photography

At Sladen the towpath is also a factory access road. Photo: © BAC Photography

Lock 44 at Sladen, with traditional grassy towpath ahead. Photo: Peter Whitehead

Getting the rope past a gate on the towpath. Photo: Peter Whitehead

Arrival on the Summit level with Savile. Photo: Peter Whitehead

Setting off along the Summit level. The narrow towpath track with its broad grass verges gives this section a pleasantly rural feel. Photo: Peter Peter Whitehead

On the Summit level, approaching the Festival Finale site. Photo: Peter Whitehead

Elland moored at the canal-side Bare Arts, which is Todmorden’s only brewery, and also an art centre dedicated to nude art. The crew had a good night here. On the beer! The crew are seen artistically creating a flower arrangement. Photo: Kathy Cook/small>

Elland and Bilbo, outside Bare Arts, beside the Great Wall of Todmorden, above which runs the railway. Photo: Kathy Cook/small>

Locals take photos as Bilbo and Elland start the day. Photo: Kathy Cook/small>

Elland under way, passing the Great Wall of Tod. Photo: Kathy Cook/small>

En route for the guillotine lock, Todmorden, Lock 19. Photo: Kathy Cook/small>

Elland as she exits the guillotine lock. Photo: Kathy Cook/small>

Elland moored opposite Fielden Wharf, Todmorden. See art work on wall of metal fish. Photo: Kathy Cook/small>

Checking the horse tunnel beside the guillotine lock. Photo: Kathy Cook/small>

Bilbo uses the horse tunnel, Lock 19. Photo: Kathy Cook/small>

Elland and Bilbo re-united after the guillotine lock and horse tunnel. Photo: Kathy Cook/small>
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