In April 2011 the Horseboating Society embarked on a legging fiesta as part of the 200th Anniversary celebrations of the opening of Standedge Tunnel.
On Saturday 2nd April Boathorse Bilbo towed the historic wooden narrowboat Maria, built in 1854, up the Diggle locks. Maria was then legged by members of the Horseboating Society through Standedge Tunnel to Tunnel End, Marsden.
On Sunday 3rd April members of the Horseboating Society legged three horseboats through Standedge Tunnel from Tunnel End to Diggle.
On Monday 4th April the three horseboats, Maria, Elland and Vixen, were legged back through Standedge Tunnel from Diggle to Tunnel End.<
[See photos from Monday 4th April]
Saturday 2nd April:

Bilbo towing Maria up the Diggle lock flight. Photo: Ken Catford

Bilbo approaches Lock 29w. Photo: Catford

Bilbo towing Maria up the Diggle lock flight. Steve Bentley

Bilbo with Maria on the Diggle lock flight. Steve Bentley

Maria rises in Lock 30w of the Diggle lock flight. Steve Bentley

Bilbo towing Maria up the Diggle lock flight. Steve Bentley

Bilbo towing Maria onto the Summit level at Diggle. Steve Bentley

Laying out the boards on which the leggers will lie. Steve Bentley

The first team of leggers preparing to start. Steve Bentley

Maria entering Standedge Tunnel on April 2nd. Steve Bentley

Maria entering Standedge Tunnel on April 2nd. Photo: Ken Catford

Walkers follow Bilbo the boat horse on the trail over the moors. Steve Bentley

Bilbo the boat horse on the old turnpike road behind Redbrook Reservoir. Photo: Ken Catford

Bilbo the boat horse on the old turnpike road behind Redbrook Reservoir. Photo: Ken Catford

Maria emerging from Standedge Tunnel at Tunnel End. Photo: Martin Clark/small>

Maria emerging from Standedge Tunnel at Tunnel End. Photo: Martin Clark/small>

Maria emerging from Standedge Tunnel at Tunnel End. Photo: Ken Catford

Maria is tied up at Tunnel End. Steve Bentley

Maria greeted by crowds at Tunnel End. Photo: Martin Clark/small>

An attentive audience at Tunnel End. Photo: Ken Catford

Members of the Horseboating Society answering questions from bystanders Photo: Martin Clark/small>
[See photos from Monday 4th April]
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