The Horseboating Society commemorated the centenary of the bovine feat of Buttercup the brown cow who swam through the mile long Foulridge Tunnel on September 24th, 1912.
On the exact date, a hundred years later in 2012, the horseboat Elland was legged through the Foulridge Tunnel and a storyline was developed. As the boat made its way through the tunnel, it came across a cow called Buttercup swimming through the tunnel. She was offered a ride on the boat which she gratefully accepted. Emerging at Foulridge, Buttercup was safely on board the boat but still needed reviving with alcohol after her long swim, just as in 1912. Unfortunately Cow’s Rum could not be found so Lamb’s Navy Rum was used instead!!!
See all the photos of the legging of Foulridge Tunnel here in our Photo Gallery.

Foulridge Tunnel. Photo: Warwick Burton

Foulridge Tunnel. Photo: Warwick Burton